The 2A Project is founded on one simple principle: our right of self-defense, as bestowed by God and as protected against government infringement by the Second Amendment of the United States Constitution and Article I, Section 32 of the Indiana Constitution, is not up for negotiation or compromise. We oppose any limitation or restrictio
The 2A Project is founded on one simple principle: our right of self-defense, as bestowed by God and as protected against government infringement by the Second Amendment of the United States Constitution and Article I, Section 32 of the Indiana Constitution, is not up for negotiation or compromise. We oppose any limitation or restriction placed on LAW-ABIDING citizens to protect themselves, their families and their fellow citizens with the tools of their choosing.
The 2A Project receives its funding from membership fees and the sale of Second-Amendment-related merchandise on its website and through third-party vendors,
While The 2A Project intends to have a national influence on Americans' gun rights as our membership grows and we expand our resources, we were founded in Indiana in 2020 and have our roots here in the Hoosier state. For that reason, we are initially focused on defeating any state or local legislation that limits our Constitutional freedoms under the Second Amendment, passing pro-gun-rights legislation at the state level, and participating in significant litigation that has the potential to set any precendent that could affect other citizens' gun rights. One of our primary goals is to achieve the passage of Constitutional Carry in Indiana and do away with the requirement of a License to Carry Handgun for law-abiding citizens to carry a handgun in Indiana (while retaining the validity of current licenses and the availability of future licenses for reciprocity and other purposes).
Use of Funds:
Once we receive our approval from the Internal Revenue Service, we will operate as a 501(c)(4) organization and participate in the political process by supporting pro-Second Amendment candidates and seeking to defeat any political incumbents or candidates who do not support the Second Amendment of the Constittution and Art. I
Use of Funds:
Once we receive our approval from the Internal Revenue Service, we will operate as a 501(c)(4) organization and participate in the political process by supporting pro-Second Amendment candidates and seeking to defeat any political incumbents or candidates who do not support the Second Amendment of the Constittution and Art. I, Section 32 of the Indiana Constitution to our satisfaction.
Once regulatory approvals are obtained, our political activities will involve active lobbying of Indiana legislators and/or candidates on Second Amendment issues.
As funding permits, we will also provide legal representation for Indiana residents and others whose Second Amendment rights are being threatened by criminal prosecution, civil litigation or seizure proceedings under Indiana's "red flag' law.
Initially, The 2A Project will have one paid employee, CEO Guy A. Relford, who will provide the legal and lobbying services performed by T2AP (pending regulatory approvals). This will allow a greater focus on the activities of T2AP by Relford as he is able to devote somewhat less time to his legal practice and firearms training business.
As a 501(c)(4) organization (once approved), the expenditures of T2AP will be publicly available and members as well as the general public will be able to fully assess the expenditures of the organization and the value to gun owners in Indiana and beyond.
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